Session 7: Don't Reach for the Ball During Address

Session 7: Don't Reach for the Ball During Address

Session 7 of 10


Greetings Everyone, 
Once again I would like to say thank you to the Legends that came before me!
Today is session 7 and we will talk about "Don’t Reach For the Ball During Address"
Some people ask me 'How close should I stand to the ball at address?'. More amateurs than most stand too far away from the ball at address than too close to it. Take for instance if your arms are stretched taut so they are almost on the same line as the shaft of you driver or iron; it’s a sure sign you are reaching too far and have too much tension in your forearms.
What can happen if you stand too close to the golf ball? Standing too close to the golf ball will result in a posture that's too upright, which leads to inconsistent shots and no control over the ball. Standing too close to the ball can also result in slices and shanks, which are very common among average players.
At address, keep your arms relaxed, with your forearms hanging almost straight down and no more than six inches from your body. From a side view, you should see a definite angle between your forearms and the club shaft, rather than seeing a straight line.
So, that ends today’s session 7 and I hope you realize that reaching for the ball at address cause tension in your forearms which ultimately leads to poor golf shots. Those of you who are just beginning, log on to and sign up for beginning lessons. We want to start you off with the proper lessons that will help you unlock and perfect your god-given talents.
Special mentions: Mr. Nick Mastroni and Mr. Phil Franke.
Until the next time, again go on out and enjoy this great game of golf!
-Coach FitzOne out! 💪🏿👊🏿⛳️🏌🏾‍♂️

Photo Cred: Golf Digest

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