Session 2: Finding Your Proper Ball Position
Session 2 of 10

Greetings everyone,
I just wanna say thank you to the great’s that came before me!
In today’s lesson we talk about 'finding your proper ball position'! Now, I know a lot of you are wondering why is this so important. Well, the reason is many golfers are confused about where the position of the ball should be and it affects their shots tremendously.
Here’s a sure way to find out the right spot: Go to a soft field or area away from the range. Take your normal routine set up, then swing so you take a noticeable divot. Note where the divot lies in relation to your feet. For short and middle irons, play a ball 1 inch behind where the divot starts, so you make contact while the club is still descending.
For long irons and fairway woods play it one ball width forward, so you make contact at nearly the bottom of the swing.
With a Teed-Up Driver, move it one ball with more forward. So you connect the club in just the beginning to ascending from its lowest point.
This is the end of session 2 and I hope some of this information helps you find the proper ball placement but if not be on the lookout for the FitzOne Golf Perfection Swing Sequencer which will get you in the proper position with every club in the bag!
Until you get yourself a FitzOne Golf Perfection Swing Sequencer go on out and practice these Tips from session 2 and enjoy this Awesome Game called Golf!
-Coach FitzOne Out!

Photo Cred: Cierra Fitzgerald