Session 4: Shifting Weight to the Right
Session 4 of 16

Greetings Everyone,
Once again I would like to say Thank you to the Legends that came before me!
Today is session 4 and we will talk about “Shifting weight to the Right”.
Many amateurs swing with their arms only. To maximize power you must actively shift your body weight to your right side on the back swing and then back to your left on the downswing.
A good weight shift starts from the feet up. As you swing back, shift your weight onto your right foot. Don’t stay flat footed. Your left foot should roll onto its inside. And it’s fine if your weight shift pulls your left heal off the ground as you reach the top of the backswing. Remember that too much weight shift is better than none at all.
So that ends today’s session 4 and I hope it helps as you think about shifting your weight during the golf swing.
Special mention: Mr. Nick Mastroni and Phil Franke for the their wonderful illustrations of golf.
Until the next time again go on out and enjoy this great game of golf!
-Coach FitzOne out!